Which side of Vaughn Drive is the river on?

Not long ago in a city council meeting Mayor Hunting was presenting his brilliant plan of further destruction of downtown Madison with his city council about moving Queen Lytle and the visitors center to Vaughn Drive and building a new castle there for her.

Councilperson Bob May asked the question of the mayor "which side of Vaughn Drive are you going to put the Visitors Center"? Just in case he hasn't figured that out yet, if you had put it any where south of Vaughn drive it would have to be in Kentucky which is probably the best place for it and its queen and the mayor anyway.

Now, this same brilliant councilperson (Bob May) has figured out that Crystal Beach swimming pool is in the floodplain. This historic landmark and our children have survived there for nearly seventy years and councilperson May wants to move it because it is in the floodplain. Really! May says the Army Corps of Engineers says it has to be moved because it is in the floodplain. Really! What a lie! Nobody said anything about moving the Lanier Home or the Regatta office or the Brown Gym, the ball park, Dee Bennett or any of the homes on Vaughn Drive because they happen to be in the floodplain.

The only interest the Corps of Engineers has near Vaughn Drive is keeping a twelve-foot channel in the river for barge navigation, period, not to move historic landmarks.

The real story here is that Mayor Huntington and his cronies have convinced May to bring up the issue about moving the pool again and blame it on the Corps of Engineers. The truth is folks we don't have to do anything, if we have to move the pool then the Lanier Home, the "new" home of queen lytle, Brown Gym, the Regatta Office, Dee Bennett and all those homes have to go too and you didn't read anything about that in the Mayors Newspaper did you?   Of course not...

Whats really going on here is they have a sweet deal in the works with someone to make a few bucks and NOBODY outside of City Hall and Mayor Huntington and Bob May want to move the pool!!! The best move is to move Huntington and May south of Vaughn Drive without a paddle on election day and the destruction of "Our Town" will stop.

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