Benefits of City Trees
hat," you might ask, "is the big deal with Fat-Al and his sycophants cutting down a hundred plus year old healthy tree on the river bank to pour a concrete sidewalk? Sure, trees are great. They look pretty, they give us a place to have a picnic, but they just sit there. They don't actually DO anything."

At times in our little town, many people have believed this to be true. However, in recent years, studies of our urban forests have shown that city trees provide benefits worth many times the cost of their planting and upkeep, even as they just "sit there" on the river bank.

The Congress of the United States finds that:
The health of forests and trees in urban areas and communities, including cities, and towns, in the United States is on the decline and our trees need to be protected from people like Fat-Al and the sycophants.

Forest lands, shade trees, and open spaces in urban areas and communities improve the quality of life for residents.
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